Senin, 28 Mei 2012
A Career Planner Told Me....
What a career planner (it is a software in fact) told me after I answered several q's:
My Interests ("Interests" are activities I enjoy, regardless of my skills):
You are interested in activities that allow you to be creative. This can be through more traditional visual arts, writing or musical pursuits although not limited to these. The creativity is often expressed in thinking of new ideas or strategies that can have a broad range of applications. Your interest often like thinking about the future and planning for long term benefits. Hobbies include: performing or listening to music, attending theater, story telling, journaling, decorative arts, painting. Career choice often are: Editor, Journalist, Teacher, Strategic Planner, Consultant, Performing Arts, Marketing, Communications, Research and Development.
My Style ("Style" refers to the behaviors I use to get results):
Your strengths are good at building long term relationships with others that are based on trust and respect. You are sensitive to the individual needs and concerns of others and respond with great understanding and intuition to emotionally difficult situations. You are good at making complex decisions because they will take the time to carefully evaluate their options so they make the best decision the first time. An additional strength you often have is to think about the future and put plans and strategies in place that are focused on long term goals.
picture courtesy of
Let’s Start (Y)Our Essays Early!
Menulis esai untuk aplikasi master memang tidak mudah,
setidaknya bagi saya. Berbagai macam buku penuilsan esai saya baca, mulai dari
buku panduan penulisan akademis, esai kreatif, sampai dengan kopi buku
contoh-contoh esai para mahasiswa kelas Master Bisnis Harvard University.
Beruntung saya mendapat banyak bahan dari Ms. Wina, pengajar TOEFL ketika saya
sedang pre-departure training di PPSDM, BPPK.
Namun banyaknya bahan justru ternyata membuat saya lebih
bingung lagi. Mana yang harus saya jadikan acuan. Saya pun mencoba googling
beberapa bahan. Mungkin sekitar 2 atau 3 unduhan dalam bentuk .pdf saya
dapatkan, tapi karena kemalasan saya, malah tidak terbaca he he he.
Tapi ada satu artikel yang menarik perhatian saya. Ditemukan
secara tidak sengaja ketika membaca situs The New York Times, yang saya jadikan
bookmark di browser saya. Ditulis dengan tajuk “Juniors: In the Quiet of Summer,
Start Your Essays.” Ditulis oleh Alan Gelb, penulis buku “Conquering the
college Admission Essay in 10 Steps.” Sekalipun judulnya untuk aplikasi para
mahasiswa strata 1, tapi tipsnya cukup umum kok. Berikut saya ketik ulang
beberapa bagian pentingnya.
Here are half dozen suggestions to keep in mind:
Clear your head! Distractions like TV, texting, video games
and the Internet surfing can seriously unhibit inspiration. Once your school
term is over, schedule some time away from those electronic diversions and find
a park bench, rooftop, library carrel or some other quiet place where you can
hear your thoughts bubbling up from deep down in your consciousness.
Ask yourself exploratory questions! In looking for an essay
topic, an excellent way to begin is by asking questions that can turn up some
juicy conflict. Some examples: What has been the hardest thing I have ever had
to face? If I had to quickly reply my life, which two or three moments would
jump out ahead of all others? Which experiences have pulled me out of my
comfort zone? When I have ever felt pure rage? Write down your answer to these
questions (trying to devise questions of our own as well) and, as time passes,
note the answers you keep coming back. There may be some fertile ground for an
essay in those responses.
Write it down! While we’re on the subject of writing things down, let’s make this the summer that you carry around a pad and pencil or some kind of wireless device to record your thoughts. Take it from this writer: if you don’t write it down, you’re bound to lose it.
yourself with the narrative form. Everyone loves a good story – particularly
the overburdened college admissions counselor who has to read hundreds of
student essays, too many of which view this assignment as an opening for
self-promotion. It is far better to think of the college admissions essay as
your chance to tell a good story. Stories are narratives, and narratives have
formal elements, like a specific time frame, a point of view and a certain
degree of conflict. Read some good stories this summer – not just sample essays
– and be conscious of their narrative techniques. Where do they start? H ow do
they end ? what is the central conflict? How it resolved?
Enjoy yourself!
There warm, feel-good months make it easier to relax, and approaching the
college admission essay with less anxiety is a good thing. In fact, it would be
extremely beneficial to view this assignment not as an onerous task but as a
creative act. In that vein, you’ll want to commit yourself to work, accept the
idea that your essay will evolve through a series of drafts and allow yourself
to take some pleasure in the process. Who knows? You may even discover the joy
of writing.
Own your essay!
Make an ironclad commitment that is going to be YOUR essay. No one should be
permitted to write it for you – not a parent, not a sibling, not a hired gun.
This essay needs a reflect your authentic voice, and perhaps making such a
commitment is one of those things you’ll actually want to affirm, in writing,
this summer.
dilihat dari waktunya, untuk batas akhir pendaftaran Strata 2 untuk kelas Fall
di Amerika Serikat bagi mahasiswa international berkisar pada bulan Desember
tahun sebelumnya hingga bulan Februari-an. Pengalaman untuk kelas Fall 2012
ini, untuk Harvard Kennedy School, pendaftaran ditutup per 1 Desember 2011,
sementara untuk School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University
ditutup berkisar Januari hingga Februari (tergantung programnya).
Cukup lama memang jika dilihat dari akan dimulainya kelas pada Agustus 2012. Tapi untuk ke Amerika, mahasiswa International memerlukan I-20 atau DS-2019 untuk pengajuan Visa dan proses ini memakan waktu cukup lama. Untuk negara lain, bisa lebih fleksibel. ISS Erasmus University of Rotterdam Belanda bahkan masih menerima pendaftaran hingga 1 Juli untuk kelas yang dimulai 3 Oktober. Bagaimanapun juga, memulai lebih awal insya Allah memberikan hasil lebih baik. Apalagi kalau esainya kemudian banyak di-review. Pengalaman saya, bahkan sampai esai sudah dikirim pun, saya menemukan satu atau dua kesalahan he he he.
Selamat menulis. Good luck on your essay!
picture courtesy of
Selasa, 15 Mei 2012
Citibank versus HSBC: Citra PNS dalam tinjauan Perbankan Asing
Tak perlu menanggapi terlalu serius judul di atas. Saya hanya akan sekedar sharing pengalaman membuka akun rekening. Judul itu terlintas di pikiran saat bingung mau menulis judulnya apa :P
Pagi tadi, Amanda (teman satu kantor) dan saya pergi ke Citibank di area Landmark, Jakarta Pusat. Tujuannya untuk membuka rekening dalam mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat. Pihak BPPK, yang akan menjadi sponsor kami untuk sekolah meminta kami untuk membuka akun dalam mata uang asing sesuai negara tujuan untuk media transfer biaya pendidikan.
Hari Jumat, 11 Mei 2012, teman yang lain, Mas Ito dan Mas Rizki sudah mendaftar pembukaan rekening di tempat yang sama. Beberapa persyaratan yang diceritakan mereka, kami tidak lupa bawa. Awal masuk Citibank, kami dilayani bagian informasi lalu kemudian dirujuk ke bagian Customer Service dan dilayani oleh duo orang sekaligus, Memey dan Utari (nama kedua saya dengar agak samar).
Setelah dijelaskan mengenai perbedaan akun Biru dan Gold dalam hal minimum rekening dan penalti, kami di tanya apa profesi kami. Dan... dengan senyum kami menjawab: PNS.
Dibalas dengan senyuman juga he he he...
Sebelumnya kami memang sudah diceritakan Mas Rizki tentang rumor bahwa PNS suliiittt sekali membuka akun di Citibank. Setahun lalu, teman saya yang lain, Hanie, sempat antusias membuka kartu kredit Citibank karena orang tuanya punya kartu kredit Citibank dan akan dapat point kalau ada aplikasi baru. Hasilnya ternyata ditolak. Tapi Manda ber-positive thinking. "Ini kan mau buka tabungan, nitip duit, bukan minjem duit (seperti kartu kredit)."
Setelah meng-copy KTP, NPWP, dan kartu identitas lain, lalu kami dijelaskan memang mereka mengakui kalau membuka rekening Citibank bagi PNS sulit sekali. Mereka bilang bisa sampai 1 bulan, itupun kalau disetujui. Bahkan rumor berkembang, katanya bisa sampai 3 bulan. Salah satu CS yang melayani kami pun sampai menelepon supervisor-nya dihadapan kami. Dia mengkhawatirkan kami akan kecewa jika harus menunggu lama.
Saya bilang, "take it easy, Mbak. It's nothing to lose."
Manda kemudian menambahkan kalau tujuan kami membuka rekening untuk biaya pendidikan, dan kami sudah punya letter of acceptance dari Universitas di luar negeri. Saya sampai bersikap riya dengan menunjukan letter of acceptance saya :)
Salah satu CS memiliki ide untuk mencantumkan status kami sebagai mahasiswa, namun kemudian CS kedua menyela, "nanti di-Google kan keluar statusnya PNS juga." CS dengan ide brilian itu pun akhirnya sadar, "di KTP juga profesinya PNS ya?!"
Lalu kami obral-obrol, dan kemudian tercetuslah dari salah satu CS, "atau mungkin Bapak dan Ibu bisa buka di HSBC saja."
Saya melongo.
Manda dan saya memang berencana menjadikan HSBC sebagai opsi cadangan jika Citibank ditolak. Sekalipun kami dengar, membuka rekening di HSBC bagi PNS sama sulitnya. Desas-desus perlu 2 minggu untuk bisa diketahui apakah aplikasi pembukaan tabungan diterima atau ditolak pihak HSBC.
Tapi mendengar seorang CS Citibank menyarankan calon nasabah untuk membuka rekening di HSBC sangat mengagetkan. Mungkin sama rasanya saat kita lapar dan masuk Pizza Hut, lalu disuruh pelayannya beli pizza di Domino he he he. Agak aneh, tapi nyata.
Kami akhirnya tetap mengisi aplikasi pembukaan rekening. Proses pengisian saya dipotong sebelum saya selesai mengisi nomor identitas dan langsung diminta paraf serta tanda tangan di tempat yang ditunjukan oleh CS. Selesai!
Manda sempat bertanya apakah harus mengisi form EECD (atau apalah) yang menurut Mas Rizki, Mas Ito dan dia isi saat membuka rekening di hari Jumat sebelumnya. CS Citibank kemudian menjelakan kalau itu bisa dia isikan sendiri. Entah beneran atau sekedar basa-basi.
Dalam perjalanan pulang kembali ke kantor, saya menduga-duga, apa sih sebab sebegitu buruknya citra PNS di perbankan asing? Saya berpikir pula, bukankah Melinda Dee yang bermasalah di Citibank toh bukan PNS dan, ya, bermasalah juga? Entahlah. Hasilnya akan dilihat bulan Juni atau mungkin setelahnya. Apakah benar-benar bisa membuka akun tabungan di Citibank atau tidak.
picture courtesy of
Pagi tadi, Amanda (teman satu kantor) dan saya pergi ke Citibank di area Landmark, Jakarta Pusat. Tujuannya untuk membuka rekening dalam mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat. Pihak BPPK, yang akan menjadi sponsor kami untuk sekolah meminta kami untuk membuka akun dalam mata uang asing sesuai negara tujuan untuk media transfer biaya pendidikan.
Hari Jumat, 11 Mei 2012, teman yang lain, Mas Ito dan Mas Rizki sudah mendaftar pembukaan rekening di tempat yang sama. Beberapa persyaratan yang diceritakan mereka, kami tidak lupa bawa. Awal masuk Citibank, kami dilayani bagian informasi lalu kemudian dirujuk ke bagian Customer Service dan dilayani oleh duo orang sekaligus, Memey dan Utari (nama kedua saya dengar agak samar).
Setelah dijelaskan mengenai perbedaan akun Biru dan Gold dalam hal minimum rekening dan penalti, kami di tanya apa profesi kami. Dan... dengan senyum kami menjawab: PNS.
Dibalas dengan senyuman juga he he he...
Sebelumnya kami memang sudah diceritakan Mas Rizki tentang rumor bahwa PNS suliiittt sekali membuka akun di Citibank. Setahun lalu, teman saya yang lain, Hanie, sempat antusias membuka kartu kredit Citibank karena orang tuanya punya kartu kredit Citibank dan akan dapat point kalau ada aplikasi baru. Hasilnya ternyata ditolak. Tapi Manda ber-positive thinking. "Ini kan mau buka tabungan, nitip duit, bukan minjem duit (seperti kartu kredit)."
Setelah meng-copy KTP, NPWP, dan kartu identitas lain, lalu kami dijelaskan memang mereka mengakui kalau membuka rekening Citibank bagi PNS sulit sekali. Mereka bilang bisa sampai 1 bulan, itupun kalau disetujui. Bahkan rumor berkembang, katanya bisa sampai 3 bulan. Salah satu CS yang melayani kami pun sampai menelepon supervisor-nya dihadapan kami. Dia mengkhawatirkan kami akan kecewa jika harus menunggu lama.
Saya bilang, "take it easy, Mbak. It's nothing to lose."
Manda kemudian menambahkan kalau tujuan kami membuka rekening untuk biaya pendidikan, dan kami sudah punya letter of acceptance dari Universitas di luar negeri. Saya sampai bersikap riya dengan menunjukan letter of acceptance saya :)
Salah satu CS memiliki ide untuk mencantumkan status kami sebagai mahasiswa, namun kemudian CS kedua menyela, "nanti di-Google kan keluar statusnya PNS juga." CS dengan ide brilian itu pun akhirnya sadar, "di KTP juga profesinya PNS ya?!"
Lalu kami obral-obrol, dan kemudian tercetuslah dari salah satu CS, "atau mungkin Bapak dan Ibu bisa buka di HSBC saja."
Saya melongo.
Manda dan saya memang berencana menjadikan HSBC sebagai opsi cadangan jika Citibank ditolak. Sekalipun kami dengar, membuka rekening di HSBC bagi PNS sama sulitnya. Desas-desus perlu 2 minggu untuk bisa diketahui apakah aplikasi pembukaan tabungan diterima atau ditolak pihak HSBC.
Tapi mendengar seorang CS Citibank menyarankan calon nasabah untuk membuka rekening di HSBC sangat mengagetkan. Mungkin sama rasanya saat kita lapar dan masuk Pizza Hut, lalu disuruh pelayannya beli pizza di Domino he he he. Agak aneh, tapi nyata.
Kami akhirnya tetap mengisi aplikasi pembukaan rekening. Proses pengisian saya dipotong sebelum saya selesai mengisi nomor identitas dan langsung diminta paraf serta tanda tangan di tempat yang ditunjukan oleh CS. Selesai!
Manda sempat bertanya apakah harus mengisi form EECD (atau apalah) yang menurut Mas Rizki, Mas Ito dan dia isi saat membuka rekening di hari Jumat sebelumnya. CS Citibank kemudian menjelakan kalau itu bisa dia isikan sendiri. Entah beneran atau sekedar basa-basi.
Dalam perjalanan pulang kembali ke kantor, saya menduga-duga, apa sih sebab sebegitu buruknya citra PNS di perbankan asing? Saya berpikir pula, bukankah Melinda Dee yang bermasalah di Citibank toh bukan PNS dan, ya, bermasalah juga? Entahlah. Hasilnya akan dilihat bulan Juni atau mungkin setelahnya. Apakah benar-benar bisa membuka akun tabungan di Citibank atau tidak.
picture courtesy of
Jumat, 11 Mei 2012
Rabu, 09 Mei 2012
School Discovering
Here they are some beneficial resources for school information (esp. Master Degree):
The Grads School
Claimed itself as the #1 graduate school directory on the planet.
Peterson's Graduate School
Helping you search for the best graduate programs for you.
College Seekr
It is where you can search for a college (but also graduate school) offering the major, degree or program of interest to you. Use itssearch engine to locate a college by location (california, tampa, portland or, etc), by major (biology, engineering, veterinary medicine, law) by degree (masters, phd) or all of the above (law degree in portland oregon, for instance).
The Grad Cafe
It is not a school searching directory, but a forum. Many people in the same boat with you (in searching school) might very informative as well. Sign in and explore. Get connected! I found it very helpful.
If you have other lists, please leave on the comment section below.
Pic courtesy of FashionTumblrs
Three or four months ago, a friend of mine was very enthusiastic explaining about Maher Zain. She kept telling me to buy Zain's album. Including a bi-lingual duet (with Fadly 'Padi') song entitled "Insya Allah" (God Willing, in Arabic), Zain easily catched the ears of my friend and the Indonesian market. In fact, according to Sony Music Indonesia, his first album "Thank You Allah" got twenty platinums in Indonesia only. And two months ago, Zain launched his second album, "Forgive Me", in Indonesia. The launching was airing live on television showing crowds watching on outside of a shopping mall even though it was raining.
I never really listened to his song. Even when "Insya Allah" aired on an Islamic radio almost everyday, I never listened the whole lyrics. Up until about two weeks ago, my friend lent me her Zain's first album (she said she concentrated listening to the second album nowadays). For the very first time, I listened to a song entitled "Allahi Allah Kiya Karo" (feat. Irfan Makki). The song was sung in half English-half Urdu. But the India's tune really catch my ears (blame my classmates during training on PPSDM who sang India's song on the karaoke playlists). The rhythm is easily invite me (I believe you too) to sing along with. Try to listen!
Later, I found out that the lyrics in Urdu is very meaningful as well.
I have not listen to another song though. However, this song has MeherZained me ha ha ha.
Picture and lyrics courtesy of Just Dinhie
I never really listened to his song. Even when "Insya Allah" aired on an Islamic radio almost everyday, I never listened the whole lyrics. Up until about two weeks ago, my friend lent me her Zain's first album (she said she concentrated listening to the second album nowadays). For the very first time, I listened to a song entitled "Allahi Allah Kiya Karo" (feat. Irfan Makki). The song was sung in half English-half Urdu. But the India's tune really catch my ears (blame my classmates during training on PPSDM who sang India's song on the karaoke playlists). The rhythm is easily invite me (I believe you too) to sing along with. Try to listen!
Later, I found out that the lyrics in Urdu is very meaningful as well.
Allah-hi-Allah-kiya-karo (Say Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Just like a sunrise
Can’t be denied
Just like the river
Will find the sea
Oh Allah, You’re here
You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That you always hear my prayers
Can’t be denied
Just like the river
Will find the sea
Oh Allah, You’re here
You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That you always hear my prayers
Such-ki-rahoon-pey-chala-karo (Keep walking on the right path)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah-kiya-karo (Say Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Like diamonds in the sky
It makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surely see the light
Theri-duniya, theri-zameen (Your world, Your land)
Yeh-kehkashan-hai (Is like a galaxy)
Yeh-thu-hai-Kareem (And You are the Magnificent)
Meray-Maula, sun-lay-dua (My Lord, answer my prayer)
Hum-baybus-hain-theray-bina (We are helpless without you)
Roshan-kar-jahaan (Please enlighten the world)
Yeh-kehkashan-hai (Is like a galaxy)
Yeh-thu-hai-Kareem (And You are the Magnificent)
Meray-Maula, sun-lay-dua (My Lord, answer my prayer)
Hum-baybus-hain-theray-bina (We are helpless without you)
Roshan-kar-jahaan (Please enlighten the world)
Aisa-zulm-na-kiya-karo (Do not commit such injustice)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah-kiya-karo (Say Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Dukh-na-kisi-ko-diya-karo (Do not hurt anyone)
Jo-duniya-ka-malik-hai (The one who is Master of the universe)
Naam-usi-ka-liya-karo (Mention only His name)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
Allah-hi-Allah (Allah, only Allah)
I have not listen to another song though. However, this song has MeherZained me ha ha ha.
Picture and lyrics courtesy of Just Dinhie
Senin, 07 Mei 2012
In Between an Autism and a Tyler Stableford
Last Saturday,
5 May, I joined a photography
seminar by Tyler Stableford, an adventure photographer from Colorado, USA, at the XXI Epicentrum, Kuningan. When I was
about to reach the Epincentrum, I watched some crowds with blue and yellow
shirts, mostly family, were walking and sitting in the parking lot, the park,
and in front of several cafes nearby. I found that they are family of people
with autism. “Walk for Autism” is printed on their shirt. In the park, everyone
could make a hand printing as a support for people with autism. Unfortunately,
I could not join to make one since I was a bit late to come to the Tyler’s
Actually, I was not that late (at least I could grab a
chocolate éclair and mini-tiny-bitty burger, and eventually a cup of black
coffee) but people had queued so long. Even worst, in front of the Studio I
(the room where the seminar took place) the queue became scattered and
The seminar was brought by Canon and the official
distributor of Canon in Indonesia, Datascrip (Yes, it is datascrip without the
‘t’!). As a (very amateur) member of Klub Fotografi Datascrip, I got a
big-price-cut for the seminar entry fee, yet still got a full freebies: an exclusive
EOS organizer, EOS cleaning kits, free lunch coupon, and a chance to get
Tyler’s signature. Thanks Canon and KFD!
The MC opened the seminar with quizzes asking newly launch
Canon EOS, Canon pockets, and the 1D X (in Indonesia, it is said that people have to indent to
get one). Then, Ibu Merry Harun as Canon Division Director gave an opening
speech. She welcomed the
crowds, especially those who had come from Bandung (by a bus!) and several
joining sponsors and invitations.
Finally the real star came to the stage. Tyler put a quotation from Antoine de Saint-Exuperry as his first presentation:
“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but there is nothing left to take away.”
Finally the real star came to the stage. Tyler put a quotation from Antoine de Saint-Exuperry as his first presentation:
“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but there is nothing left to take away.”
However, on his presentation, Tyler said that photographer,
especially adventure photographer, is a basically taker. Taking pictures of local people overseas is the
action of taking something (story, emotion, and feeling) from others. He
suggested the audiences to give back after taking pictures. He said he usually
printed the pictures and gave to the people. At least, he would show the result
to them right after he shot. Creating a close connection with the people or
the model is a must, he added. And Tyler walks the talk. Later on, when he
shot a model on the stage. He asked the name of the model and directed the
model by calling his name.
In the first session, Tyler shared his experience in adventure photography. Having a background as a journalism (he took his undergraduate on journalism as well), he loves to create a story-telling-picture. He also loves to put a ‘human’ on his photo. He said that almost 95 percent of his pictures included human.
Tyler also shared his 5 ways to take better images.
First of all: Do not afraid of the sunlight! He said a bit light flare creates a strong picture.
Second: Shadows create drama. Don’t we all agree? Indeed!
Next: Get the flash off the camera. Avoid the snapshot look at all cost.
Forth: Move your subject off center. Create tension with the ‘rule of thirds’.
Next: Get the flash off the camera. Avoid the snapshot look at all cost.
Forth: Move your subject off center. Create tension with the ‘rule of thirds’.
Last but not least, go wild... Oops! Go wide, go long. Use
wide angle and telephoto lenses for a new look.
After almost a half hour of Q&A (through SMS) session, Tyler shared his experience of creating short movies on his DSLR. Tyler said he
uses EOS 1D X, and said repeatedly ha ha ha. There is only 2 ‘rule of thumbs’
for taking motion picture through DSLR:
One. Go wide, go tight! Alternating between 14mm and 100mm macro lenses.
Two. Tilt and shift!
Then, Tyler showed his 13 minutes short movie of an ex US army, a victim of bombing in Afghan (or Iraq? I forgot! My mistake.), who regain his life back as a Paralympics athlete. Before Tyler played the movie, he’d unexpectedly explained that the movie does not show on how patriotic US army is, but on how someone moves on. I do not why he should explain his reason. A feeling that Indonesia will see the movie too American-minded perhaps?!
Time to lunch break!
I ate my lunch box while enjoying a talk show on autism on the main hall of Epicentrum. Farhan was MC-ing a talk show, also interviews and quizzes. He interviewed Daniel, a child with autism whose hobby is reading calendar. Surprisingly, Daniel remembers all the days of the date of the year 1900 to 2050. Some people checked their birthday and Daniel answered correctly. Even the audience and I checked on our smart phone calendar to confirm the accuracy. I was amazed!
One. Go wide, go tight! Alternating between 14mm and 100mm macro lenses.
Two. Tilt and shift!
Then, Tyler showed his 13 minutes short movie of an ex US army, a victim of bombing in Afghan (or Iraq? I forgot! My mistake.), who regain his life back as a Paralympics athlete. Before Tyler played the movie, he’d unexpectedly explained that the movie does not show on how patriotic US army is, but on how someone moves on. I do not why he should explain his reason. A feeling that Indonesia will see the movie too American-minded perhaps?!
Time to lunch break!
I ate my lunch box while enjoying a talk show on autism on the main hall of Epicentrum. Farhan was MC-ing a talk show, also interviews and quizzes. He interviewed Daniel, a child with autism whose hobby is reading calendar. Surprisingly, Daniel remembers all the days of the date of the year 1900 to 2050. Some people checked their birthday and Daniel answered correctly. Even the audience and I checked on our smart phone calendar to confirm the accuracy. I was amazed!
I saw a lot of parents encouraging their children to come forward, to the stage. A girl with autism played a guitar. Three or four kids came to the stage to answer the quizzes. I truly salute parents of children with autism. They seems so proud of their kids and very supportive regardless several kids were out of control.
Inside the Epicentrum mall, Yayasan Autisma Indonesia made a
painting exhibition. All paintings created by children with autism. One
painting catched my eyes is “The Twins” by Ihsan Abi Satrio. It’s just cute!
I saw the painting when I was about taking my Dzuhur prayer.
By the way, the Epicentrum mall has a great Mushalla (prayer room). It is neat,
clean, and comfy. Located in Floor 2. Unfortunately, today the Mushalla is a
bit crowded, thus, I could not take a picture of it. I was afraid to disturb
the other’s praying.
Back again to the photography seminar. On the second session, Tyler showed his latest short movie, Shattered. Shattered tells a story of a well recognized mountain climber (but, I forgot his name he he he) who has reached the TOP of the top mountains on the Earth, but in the end found that he felt empty inside. Tyler shot some closely intense shoots: face, eyes, nose, breath, snows, ices. Showing another extreme point, Tyler took a wide and long shoots to show how high the mountain is. Superb! It is said that the movie has just launched in Las Vegas two weeks ago.
Back again to the photography seminar. On the second session, Tyler showed his latest short movie, Shattered. Shattered tells a story of a well recognized mountain climber (but, I forgot his name he he he) who has reached the TOP of the top mountains on the Earth, but in the end found that he felt empty inside. Tyler shot some closely intense shoots: face, eyes, nose, breath, snows, ices. Showing another extreme point, Tyler took a wide and long shoots to show how high the mountain is. Superb! It is said that the movie has just launched in Las Vegas two weeks ago.
Then, Tyler and his team made a demo. Helped by two soccer freestylers, Tyler showed how to create dramatic pictures as he explained on the first session. Yes, he really walks the talks. He even could make an almost perfect picture in his first shoot. What a photographer!
Personally, Tyler is a nice and humble guy. He did not mind to sit on the stage to respond his fans asking his signature and kept saying thank you sincerely. Tyler looks on our eyes while he saying so!
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