Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

The 2012 Recap

The 2012 was an amazing year. A year when I mostly got myself out of the comfort zone. A lot of hopes were written on early January of the year. I was quite depressed as I was waiting for announcement of my graduate school application, and at the same times was getting (myself used to) back to work again after almost five months training from August to December 2011.

A few months of early 2012 was filled by sending out applications for graduate school and checking emails for their updates. The situation deprived me of life, including work-life. I was lucky that the office tasks were not as overwhelming as it was before. Three staffs (Mas Tulus, Mas Totot, and me) as partners in crimes enlightened the burden and brought a lot of fun. Meetings and coordinatings (or simply free-lunches) here and there as usual. A road trip with bunch of friends to Wonosobo for Andien's wedding was hilarious as the year opening. Enjoyed the Dieng mountain a lot!

March 15, 2012 was a day of a dream came true. I received an acceptance letter from School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University. SIPA was top of the pops of graduate school I applied for. I had struggled to reach TOEFL and GRE, yet someone told me that my scores was not enough to enroll in such an ivy league. The fact that I was accepted was an eerie feeling. Between anxiety and excitement.

April, May, and June! The service passport and US Visa things took a lot of my time. Felt a lil bad with my office mates as I left the office quite often but thankfully they are super-nice-to-work-with. These months were busy times of Semester Progress Report and Proposed Budget for the upcoming Fiscal Year. During this months as well, I got a certificate for "Creative Thinking" short course from PPM Manajemen and made a road trip Jakarta-Lampung-Jakarta with Mas Tulus, Wasis, and Zaki on a weekend for Icha's wedding. Fun.

On July, I got my US Visa. Hurray!

August was the first time I finally left Indonesia for more than two-weeks. On the Ramadhan, a week before the Eid, I flew to a new city: New York. Met up new people, heard new languages, spoke in a new language, adapted new habits, faced different customs. Out of a comfort zone. Totally.

September to Mid-December. Ivy league rigorousness! School-library-starbucks-anotherlibrary-school. Paper-homework-groupproject-practiceproblem-problemset-anotherpaper-anotherhomework.... Thanksgiving break thankfully gave me a space to travel to Philadelphia with Gerry. Other than the break, I grapple to finish all the business the best I could. I literally shout out to myself: I SURVIVE! I never thought I could. Still worry about the grade though!

Another Mid-December. Winter break. Exploring some museums (free with Columbia University ID ja ja ja) and Masjids (for my "Islam and the City" project) in NYC. Friends coming for the NYE. Retracing the Brooklyn Bridge, riding a ferry to Staten Island for the Liberty, walking down the Downtown, exploring the East Village, the Harlem, the Astoria, the Wall Street.... and counting down the last second on a 24 hour exhibition of "The Clock" film at the Museum of Modern Art.

Alhamdulillah for all the blessings in the 2012.
Welcoming 2013. Bismillah!

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